project44 Launches Emissions Monitoring To Improve Supply Chain Sustainability and Compliance

3 September 2024By Niels BartelsNews

project44 launches Emissions Monitoring, giving shippers, carriers and LSPs the Scope 3 emissions insights necessary for optimized sustainability decision-making. Emissions Monitoring offers customers precise, GLEC-accredited emissions calculations for shipments across all modes, empowering businesses to track and manage their carbon footprint effectively. With project44’s new sustainability solution available in the Movement by project44 platform, users … Read More

project44 launches Detention & Demurrage Optimization to better manage risk and reduce costs

29 May 2024By Niels BartelsNews

project44 announced the addition of Detention & Demurrage Optimization to its Movement platform. Detention & Demurrage (D&D) Optimization helps shippers understand real-time risk and incurred demurrage and detention costs to optimize their supply chain to minimize these costs. “project44 is committed to helping our customers optimize their supply chain from production to doorstop. Because detention … Read More

Introduction of Movement by project44

28 September 2022By marketingNews

project44 launches groundbreaking platform to deliver connectivity and transparency to all supply chain partners enabling a more connected, predictable, and sustainable supply chain. CHICAGO, Sept. 27, 2022 /​PRNewswire/​– project44, the connective tissue of the global supply chain, today announced the launch of Movement by project44TM, a game-changing platform that gives all supply chain partners — including shippers, carriers, logistics … Read More