This morning I landed in Frankfurt. Keeping with my normal Sunday night ritual, I poured myself a cup of tea to pen my weekly post for the Supply Chain Shaman. I have been writing weekly posts for this blog for eight years. The length of time is hard to believe. I thank you for your support over the years. The Supply Chain Shaman blog now has over 15,000 readers. When I wrote for AMR Research and Gartner, my best reach was 2500 readers/article.
Amazing. I scratch my head how it is possible to write from a desk at a hotel in my travels and reach this number of readers. It would not have been possible a decade ago. I also could not have conceived it. In my way, I think that I am helping to transform the analyst model to the “art of the possible” through open and independent content. Here I want to use the analogy of freeing a caged bird to help you think hard about the “Art of the Possible” in planning.
I like this picture. For me it is a metaphor for the “Art of the Possible.” It is about opening a door and allowing a caged bird to fly free to new destinations.